Selected Caucasian Queens / Bees for Sale
Our Caucasian Queens are suitable for honey and pollen production also for queen production. Available from April to October. We have a limited number and pre-order is required.
Caucasian queens / bees history
The Caucasian honey bee originates from the high valleys of the Central Caucasus. Georgia is the “central homeland” for the subspecies, although the bees also can be found in eastern Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Caucasian bees are silver-gray to dark brown in color. They have a longer tongue than many other bee types and are therefore able to take advantage of more nectar sources.
Shape and Size: similar to A. m. carnica
Chitin Color: dark with brown spots at times
Hair Color: lead-grey
Tongue Length: up to 7.2 mm

Caucasian bees are known for high propolis production. The propolis they produce is soft and sticky, which can make it hard for beekeepers to inspect the hive. They stop producing brood in the fall and tend to overwinter quite well. In addition, because they’re from a cold region they can forage on colder days than other bee races.
Caucasian bees show some resistance to European FoulBrood and are not overly inclined to swarm. Due to their high propolis production, they are not known for being honey comb producers and tend to conserve their honey stores as a result.
Caucasian queens / bees characteristics
- low tendency to swarming
- raising strong colonies, but later than the other races.
- overwinters well
- they fly earlier and in cooler conditions
- gentle and calm on the comb
- low tendency to rob honey
- very great user of propolis
- endowed with the longest tongue and take advantage of the nectar sources inaccessible to other races.
- ardent brood production – raising strong colonies
- colonies reach full strength in mid-summer, which is good for areas where the highest nectar flow is in mid-summer
- in its native area a better honey producer than the European dark bee
Caucasian queens for Sale
Caucasian Queens
Caucasian Queens
Caucasian Queens
Caucasian Queens
Caucasian Queens
Caucasian Queens